669 Mayl. Cf. al-Khuwarizmi, Mafitib al-'ulum, p. 127: "Mayl is the distance of the sun or a given star from the equinoctial line." Cf. also al­Birmni, Kitab at-tafhim, p. 59.
670 Cf. Bombaci, p. 457.


D: "but he died before it was completed."


Cf. the translation of this passage by C. A. Nallino, Raccolta di scritti editie inediti, V, 43 f.


Le., Ptolemy's Syntaxis Astronomica. For the origin and vocalization of the Arabic term, cf. F. Rosenthal, "Al-Kindi and Ptolemy," in Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi Della Vida (Rome, 1956), II, 438 f. Later Muslim scholars seem to have preferred the vocalization Mijisli.


Cf. p. 126, above.


Cf. p. 130, above.


Abmad b. Mubammad (Alfraganus), d. after 247 [861/621. Cf. GAL, I, 221; Suppl., I, 392 f.


Qur'an 96.5 (5).


Zij, usually connected with Persian zU "threads in the loom" > "lines in tables" > "tables." Cf. C. A. Nallino, op. cit., V, 120. It may, however, be a distortion of bizidhaj, the Middle Persian title of the Anthology of Vettius Valens. Intervocalic dh is known to change to y in Middle Persian (cf. W. Eilers, "Der Name des persischen Neujahrsfestes," in Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften and der Literatur, Geistes- and Sozialwissen­schaftliche Masse, 1953, No. 2, p. 4), and bi- may have been lost, in the course of transmission, as preposition, as is known to happen.

Cf. now E. S. Kennedy, "A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables," in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S. XLVI (1956),123-77.


I.e., chronology, mathematical and historical.


Cf, p. 134, above.


Ta'dil and taqwim. The latter word became tacuin in Latin translations from the Arabic.


Muhammad b. Jibir, ca. 244 [858] to 317 [9291. Cf. GAL, I, 222; Suppl. I, 397.


Ahmad b. Yusuf b. al-Kammad, d. 691 [1195]? Cf. GAL, Suppl., I, 864. He is probably identical with Ibn al-Hammad, an author of zijs mentioned by al-Qifti, Ta'rikh al-bukama', p. 57, I. 15. Hajji Khalifah, Kashf az-zunun, III, 569, seems to confuse him with Ibn Ishaq and gives a wrong date (679 [1280/81]), which has caused considerable confusion to this day. Cf. R. Brunschvig, La Berberie orientale (Publications de l'Institut d'Etudes Orientales d'Alger, Vols. VIII & XI) (Paris 1940-47), 11, 369. The first to call attention to the situation seems to have been H. Suter, Die Mathematiker and Astronomen der Araber and Are Werke (Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, No. 10) (Leipzig, 1900), p. 196.


Bulaq adds: "an astronomer in Tunis at the beginning of the seventh [thirteenth] century." He is Abul-'Abbas 'Ali b. Ishaq, who made astronomical observations in 619 [i2221. Cf. H. P. J. Renaud in Hesperis, XXV (1938), 31; and idem, Les Manuscrits arabes de l'Escurial (Paris, 1941), I13, 7, No. 909.


Cf. 1:238, and pp. 121, 123, 136 (n. 684), above.