????? ?????? Thalis al-Malti Thales of Miletus (c. 640-c. 546 B.C.): Greek philosopher and scientist; recognised as the founder of Greek philosophy or first who made name as a philosopher, one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece. In philosophy he taught that water was the ultimate stuff of all things.??????? Thamistiyus Themistius (334 C.E.): Greek philosopher and teacher. He gained fame as the author of paraphrases of a number of Aristotles works. His paraphrase of Aristotles Metaphysics, Book A was translated into Arabic in the 9th century C.E.
????????? Thaufarustus Theophrastus (370 -287 B.C.): faithful disciple and friend of Aristotle (Aristatalis, q.v.). Known to Muslim scholars for his work on botany.
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Theon of Alexandria: Greek astronomer and mathematician of 4th century C.E.; teacher at the Museum of Alexandria; editor of Euclids Elements. It was believed that Euclid (Uqlidis, q.v.) had merely stated his geometrical propositions while Theon had proved them. Al-Kindi read the Elements, for example, through Theons resension of it.
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